LETTER: Florida's take on Roe v. Wade, compared to Illinois

Letter to the editor

As a former resident and frequent visitor to the Sunshine State, I’m always interested in the political perspective of Florida, especially as compared to Illinois where I now reside. That said, I appreciated your recent front-page article (July 1, 15-week abortion ban nixed by judge article) which provided context to Florida’s situation in regards to Roe v. Wade that you wouldn’t necessarily get from the liberal media. 

Conservative eyes look to states like Florida as championing pro-life as they grapple with the way ahead post-SCOTUS’s decision. By contrast, the Democrat governor of my current “home” state has proudly hung out an “Abortion Capital of the USA” banner and invited abortion seekers from near and far to “come on down” like a grotesque version of the invitation made famous by “The Price Is Right.” Consequently, Planned Parenthood in Illinois looks to provide more than 30,000 additional abortions next year than they did last to out-of-staters. 

It was a bit of a headscratcher that in the article they chose not to include the rest of the sentence in the Florida privacy right, “… into his private life except as otherwise provided herein.” Considering the “his” pronoun, the language of the law is even more confusing since it was a consequence of a 15-year-old girl wanting an abortion without parental knowledge or consent.

Conservatives trust that Florida will continue to focus on the prize, fighting the good fight unhindered by our politically fractured federal government.

— Bill Malec, O’Fallon, Illinois

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