LETTER: Two topics for thought in Okaloosa County

Letter to the editor

Hurricanes, heavy thunderstorms and water control are a concern in our area. Stormwater sewers are constantly vacuumed to ensure their ability to move water during these events. So why do commercial lawn maintenance companies blow sand, clippings and trash into the streets after cutting? This debris travels to the storm sewers and stops them up.

While I am not a pro yard cutter, the proper practice is to blow the sand and clippings back into the yard. For me, I do this before mowing. In Palm Beach, Hillsborough, Sarasota, and other counties I have to work in, I have never seen a commercial company blow the debris in the street. Why do we allow this which makes the streets look really bad and stops up storm sewers?

The second topic is auto accident debris and car parts. I just drove down Mary Esther Boulevard and saw a red front bumper, part of a black vehicle’s lower bumper, and lots of others. Racetrack Road is worse. Why are wrecker companies not required to take the broken parts and accident debris with them? In Texas, is a requirement. Trash can, snow shovel, and broom.

Again, I don’t see this in other counties in Florida. But here, the junk litters the street and medians. Can we not pick up the trash? This wrecker does get paid!

— Robert Stevenson, Fort Walton Beach

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